Florocka! Gospel Music producer with the smoothest swag. Flo has been producing music for over 20 years now. Trained as a legal practitioner, Flo jettisoned his wig and courtroom for the studio.

FLO has written, co-written, produced and worked with countless number of artists including Efe, Wale Adenuga, Dekunle Fuji, Sammie Okposo, Mike Aremu, Tosin Martins, BOUQUI, Aaron T Aaron, Vivien Stephen, Kore, Onos Bikawei and many more (needless to mention his own songs like Twale, Ope loye O & co). FLO is known for his crisp, crunchy and FAT mixes and mastering. MTV Base once said of him –‘Whenever there’s excellence, FLO isn’t far from it!’

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