MGP NEWS:Summer the Sheep

Some animals face tough obstacles from Day One, like the dog born without front legs or one born without sight. Others demonstrate a sense of loyalty that knows no bounds, like an elephant that befriends a mutt. Still others survive and thrive in the face of harrowing circumstances, like ducks crossing a busy highway or a dog who survives for weeks at sea. From the tamest of domesticated animals to the wildest of wild, these inspirational animals are practically guaranteed to bring out the human in you. Be warned: Have a tissue (or three) handy.

 Summer the Sheep
After losing the use of her back legs, no one lost faith in Summer's recovery. Fitted with a wheelchair on her back legs, Summer the Sheep needed some encouragement to walk.  But she was soon rolling around like an old pro in her wheelchair. Although it turned out that she had an incurable disease, Summer's ability to regain some strength in her back legs and frolic around the farm show that with the right attitude, anything is possible!

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